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At Indiana University Bloomington undergraduate degrees, including a Bachelor of Science, a Bachelor of Arts, and an accelerated 5 year dual BS / MS degree. In addition, Doctoral and Masters programs are available in Computer Science. Areas of reasearch are: Formal methods for system design, hardware, and robotics, Foundations: Theory of computing, algorithms, and applied logic, High-performance computing, Cybersecurity, Graphics and visualization, Programming languages and compilers, Artificial intelligence and cognitive science, Distributed and parallel systems, Database and information systems, Computer networks and security, and Bioinformatics. The goal for students that attend IU is to develop skills in a number of specialized areas that will make them valuable in the workplace. Indiana University Bloomington

For undergraduates at Indiana Wesleyan University, while completing their B.C.S. (Bachelor of Computer Science), they will have coursework in traditional computer science areas, including: information technology/IT, software engineering, programming languages, computer networking, network fundamentals, and computer operating systems. IWU is also dedicated to providing Master's and undergraduate programs designed for students who want a moral and ethical emphasis in their education.Indiana Wesleyan University